Björn Carlsons Östersjöstiftelse is stepping up their efforts to accelerate progress in improving the Baltic Sea’s environment. The annual prize amount for Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris is now increased to SEK four million and a new scholarship for young researchers has been initiated. The scholarship encourages international collaboration and innovative ideas. This year’s nomination period for Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris is open until May 5.
Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris is awarded to researchers, organizations, or other individuals whose work has contributed to, or has the potential to contribute to, a healthier Baltic Sea. The prize is awarded by the Björn Carlsons Östersjöstiftelse (BalticSea2020), which has allocated SEK 650 million over 15 years to research and projects contributing to a healthier sea. The previous prize amount was SEK three million, but it has now been increased to SEK four million for 2024. Nominations for this year’s prize can be submitted until May 5 at bcop.se.
The Björn Carlsons Östersjöstiftelse is taking additional steps to accelerate the positive development of the Baltic Sea’s environment. In 2023, Björn Carlson’s Baltic Fellows program was launched, consisting of 22 selected young researchers from countries around the Baltic Sea, all focused on the Baltic Sea and its environment. Now, a scholarship of SEK one million has been initiated, earmarked for this network of future decision-makers in Baltic Sea research. The scholarship can be applied for every other year, with the first award given at this year’s prize ceremony for Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris on September 17.
– We acknowledge that there is a need and a great opportunity to support young researchers in their work. With the scholarship, we want to encourage innovation and new ideas, and above all, international collaboration among young researchers in the Baltic Sea countries, says Bo Lehander, Chairman of the Björn Carlsons Östersjöstiftelse.