15 years of environmental work

Since its formation in 2005, Björn Carlsons Östersjöstiftelse (BalticSea2020) has focused on and funded research and restoration projects that promote a healthier Baltic Sea, and has raised awareness about our inland sea among decision-makers, public authorities, students, and the general public. All projects are presented on the Foundation’s former website, along with associated reports and articles, categorised within project areas Fishery, Eutrophication, and Information. Visit www.balticsea2020.org to read more.

In addition to the Foundation’s current work with the Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris, it is also leading the following projects:

Living coast

For more information about the project, click here

The Living Coast project is focused on demonstrating that it is possible to re-establish a healthy environment in eutrophic coastal bays, with clear water, rich plant and animal life, a natural fish community, and oxygenated bottom waters with bottom-dwelling animals – otherwise known as good ecological status. The project, launched in 2011, is being implemented in Björnöfjärden in the Stockholm archipelago. This bay resembles a ‘miniature Baltic Sea’ due to its extensive eutrophication, limited water exchange, and large areas of anoxic (oxygen depleted) bottom waters. A series of measures have been taken over the years, and Björnöfjärden’s good ecological status has now been restored. The Living Coast project has been run by Stockholm University since 2019 in close collaboration with the Foundation, the project’s initiator and main sponsor. For more information about the project, please visit the former website here.

The Baltic Sea – lessons to learn

educational material and films

The status of the Baltic Sea impacts 90 million people – the number of people living in its proximity. To raise awareness of and generate broad-based commitment to the Baltic Sea, the Foundation developed the educational material ‘Östersjön – vad vi bör veta’ (The Baltic Sea – Lessons to Learn) linked to Folke Rydén’s documentaries for the Baltic Sea Media Project (a project led by journalist Rydén and photographer/filmmaker Mattias Klum). The educational material includes the films ‘For Cod’s Sake’, ‘Dirty Waters’, ‘The Second Wave’, and ‘Shipping Pollution’ and associated materials in PDF format (in Swedish). The final documentary, ‘The Baltic Sea – Threats & Hope’, was released in 2019. The educational material, prepared by teacher Ulla Arnby, is linked to the curriculum and has been adapted for school years 6 and above. The material can be downloaded in PDF format from the project’s website, ourbalticsea.com.

The Baltic Sea’s Living Coast

educational material and films

A collaboration was initiated in 2021 with Stockholm University’s Baltic Sea Centre, which will produce digital educational materials about the Baltic Sea’s living coast. The project is designed to produce target group-adapted digital teaching material that lowers the threshold for teachers to include Baltic Sea issues in their teaching.
The basic idea behind the project is to proceed from the teacher’s needs and clearly link the teaching material to the curricula. The material is designed to enable teachers to easily use the Baltic Sea as a starting point in their teaching and to clearly indicate the curriculum areas covered by different teaching materials.

The material will include a mix of information with associated images, scientific illustrations and embedded films – what things look like below the surface, descriptions of challenges, environmental problems and potential solutions, discussion topics and areas for advanced study, etc. The material is intended for senior level and upper secondary students.