The Baltic Sea suffers from environmental contaminants, eutrophication, and overfishing, which negatively affect everyone in the nine neighboring countries. But there is a strong belief that together we can contribute to a positive development. That’s why the Björn Carlsons Baltic Fellows exists. Their main mission is to work together to draw attention to and demonstrate what must be done to make the Baltic Sea healthier.
Meet the Fellows
The Björn Carlsons Baltic Fellows is a network of twenty exclusively selected young researchers from the countries around the Baltic Sea who are all focused on the Baltic Sea and its environment.
The Björn Carlsons Baltic Fellows are important spokespersons for the Baltic Sea. The Fellows are also ambassadors for the prize, Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris.

Agnes Karlsson
Founding Fellow
Dep. of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
Stockholm University
Associate Professor Agnes Karlsson is particularly interested in the consequences of non-native species and cyanobacterial blooms on biota, both negative and positive. In an ongoing research project, bioaccumulation of contaminants such as dioxins in fish is studied in relation to cyanobacterial blooms.

Petter Tibblin
Founding Fellow
Dep. of Biology and Environmental Science, Linnaeus University
Associate Professor Petter Tibblin’s research is centered around understanding the causes and consequences of genetic and trait variation among and within Baltic Sea fish populations, and its relevance for the capacity of species and populations to cope with anthropogenic impacts.

Jenny Ask
Founding Fellow
Umeå Marine Sciences Center, Umeå University
Dr. Jenny Ask’s research concern environmental and climate change effects on various types of aquatic ecosystems. She is currently focusing on effects of brownification and the declining ice-cover on aquatic primary producers and CO2-balance in northern Baltic Sea coastal ecosystems.

Linda Kumblad
Baltic Sea Centre
Stockholm University
Associate Professor Linda Kumblad’s research interests include systems ecology, eutrophication assessment, and management in coastal areas. She is deeply involved in two full-scale restoration projects that aim at improving the environmental status in coastal areas of the Baltic Sea and at the same time deepen our knowledge of ecosystem recovery and the effectiveness of various measures.

Francisco JA Nascimento
Dep. of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
Stockholm University
Associate Professor Francisco Nascimento was nominated to Björn Carlson Baltic Fellows for his pioneering multidisciplinary research on how human activities impact the microscopic organisms at the bottom of the sea and the ecosystem functions they provide.

Johan Eklöf
Dep. of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
Stockholm University
Associate Professor Johan Eklöf was nominated to Björn Carlson Baltic Fellows for his interdisciplinary research on links between biodiversity and ecosystem services in the coastal Baltic with a sustainability and social-ecological focus.

Jonas Hentati-Sundberg
Dep. of Aquatic Resources
SLU Aqua
Associate Professor Jonas Hentati-Sundberg was nominated to Björn Carlson Baltic Fellows for his research on linked social-ecological systems and the development of innovative methods of sustainable management of the sea.

Sofia Wikström
Baltic Sea Centre
Stockholm University
Associate Professor Sofia Wikström was nominated to Björn Carlson Baltic Fellows for her applied and interdisciplinary research on protection of underwater habitats and biodiversity and ecosystem-based management.

Samuel Hylander
Dep. of Biology and Environmental Science, Linnaeus University
Associate Professor Samuel Hylander was nominated to Björn Carlsons Baltic Fellows for his interdisciplinary research on the Baltic Sea food-web ecology which has contributed with novel mechanistic insights concerning thiamin deficiency.

Camilla Gustafsson
Tvärminne Zoological Station
University of Helsinki
Associate Professor Camilla Gustafsson was nominated to Björn Carlsons Baltic Fellows for her innovative work with ecosystem management, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in vegetated coastal ecosystems.

Szymon Smoliński
Dep. of Fisheries Resources
National Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Poland
Dr. Szymon Smoliński was nominated to Björn Carlsons Baltic Fellows for his innovative research on how changes in temperature impact the demography of Baltic Sea fish populations.

Tiia Möller-Raid
Research Fellow in Marine Biology
Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu
Dr. Tiia Möller-Raid was nominated to Björn Carlsons Baltic Fellows for her excellent work with anthropogenic effects on Baltic Sea littoral communities. Her main research interests are related to marine benthic habitats in coastal waters of the Baltic Sea.

Monika Kedra
Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Science
Associate Professor Monika Kedra was nominated to Björn Carlsons Baltic Fellows for her multidisciplinary research on animals at the bottom of the Baltic Sea and how they react to a changing climate.

Jan Dierking
Research Unit Marine Evolutionary Ecology, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany
Dr. Jan Dierking was nominated to Björn Carlsons Baltic Fellows for his research on the trophic ecology of marine fishes and jellyfish and the role of marine food webs in the mediation of anthropogenic pressures.

Elin Lindehoff
Centre for Ecology and Evolution in Microbial model Systems, Linnæus University
Associate Professor Elin Lindehoff was nominated to Björn Carlsons Baltic Fellows for her solution-oriented research on phytoplankton including algae cultivation to remove nitrogen and carbon dioxide from water and air to mitigate eutrophication and climate change.

Stefan Heinänen
Faculty of Bioeconomy
Novia University of Applied Sciences
Senior Lecturer, Stefan Heinänen was nominated to Björn Carlsons Baltic Fellows for his multidisciplinary research on human-environment interactions for sustainable management of the Baltic Sea.

Magnus Huss
Dep. of Aquatic Resources
SLU Aqua
Associate Professor Magnus Huss was nominated to Björn Carlson Baltic Fellows for his research on how multiple pressures linked to climate change and intraspescific variation governs ecological dynamics in Baltic Sea food webs.

Cintia O. Quintana
Department of Biology
University of Southern Denmark
Assistent Professor Cintia Quintana was nominated to Björn Carlsons Baltic Fellows for her important work on benthic marine invertebrates, bioturbation and restoration of coastal habitats.

Isabell Klawonn
Dep. of Biological Oceanography, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemuende
Dr. Isabell Klawonn was nominated to Björn Carlsons Baltic Fellows for her innovative work with microplankton, their activity and biogeochemical cycles in the water column.

Mindaugas Zilius
Marine Research Institute of Klaipeda University
Associate Professor Mindaugas Zilius was nominated to Björn Carlsons Baltic Fellows for his multidisciplinary research on nitrogen cycling for a sustainable management of the Baltic Sea.

Solvita Strake
Dep. of Marine Monitoring
Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology
Dr Solvita Strake was nominated to Björn Carlsons Baltic Fellows for her important research, both fundamental and applied, regarding sustainable management of the Baltic Sea.