A nomination committee consisting of prominent researchers from Sweden, Germany, Poland, and Finland will appoint prize winners for the Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris. The annual prize of initially SEK 3 million is designed to increase interest in the Baltic Sea and inspire commitment to and continuation of existing efforts to ensure a healthier Baltic Sea.
This year the Björn Carlsons Östersjöstiftelse has established an annual prize for researchers or other individuals who have made a valuable contribution to protecting the Baltic Sea’s environment and ecology. With the prize of initiatelly SEK 3 million, the Foundation wants to enable innovative research that has insufficient funding, but also to increase interest in the Baltic Sea.
A nomination committee consisting of members from different countries bordering the Baltic Sea, with deep knowledge about the sea and well established in the field of research, is tasked with independently identifying potential nominees, but also accepts proposals from the public (nominations must be submitted by 31 January 2022). The nomination committee submits three nominees for the Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris to the Foundation’s board, which is responsible for selecting the prize winner. The Foundation intends to distribute the first prize in the spring of 2022 and annually thereafter.
This is the nomination committee of the Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris:
Professor Christina Rudén (Chairman), Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm university (Chairman)
Professor Anna-Stiina Heiskanen, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Director of Freshwater Centre
Professor Inna Sokolava, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Rostock
Professor Jan Marcin Weslawski, Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
Marie Berglund, member the Björn Carlsons Östersjöstiftelse (BalticSea2020)
Four members are appointed based on a proposal from Stockholm University in consultation with other higher education institutions with relevant expertise, with the fifth member appointed by the Foundation’s board.
For more information about the prize and the Foundation, please visit bcop.se.
You may also contact:
Christina Rudén
Chairman of the nomination committee, the Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris
Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm university
+46 8 674 73 38
Bo Lehander
Chairman of the board, the Björn Carlsons Östersjöstiftelse
+46 705 18 43 63
Ida Mårtensson
Office manager, the Björn Carlsons Östersjöstiftelse
+46 707 50 23 36