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Annual price of SEK 3 million will inspire efforts to ensure a healthier Baltic Sea

By 23 November, 2021May 12th, 2022No Comments

The Björn Carlsons Östersjöstiftelse has established an annual prize for researchers or other individuals who have made a valuable contribution to protecting the Baltic Sea’s environment and ecology: the Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris. The prize money, initially set at SEK 3 million, will be awarded annually. The Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris is designed to increase interest in the Baltic Sea and inspire commitment to and continuation of existing efforts to ensure a healthier Baltic Sea.

The Foundation intends to distribute the first prize in the spring of 2022 and annually thereafter.

The prize winners will be appointed by the Foundation’s board following a proposal from a nomination committee consisting of prominent researchers from Sweden, Germany, Poland and Finland. The chairman of the nomination committee is Christina Rudén, Stockholm University.

For more information, please contact:

Bo Lehander,
Chairman of the board, the Björn Carlsons Östersjöstiftelse
+46 70-518 43 63

Ida Mårtensson,
Office manager, the Björn Carlsons Östersjöstiftelse
+46 70-750 23 36



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