Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris promotes and rewards initiatives to ensure a healthier Baltic Sea.
Björn Carlsons Östersjöstiftelse – also known as BalticSea2020 – has established an annual prize for researchers or other individuals who have made a valuable contribution to protecting the Baltic Sea’s environment and ecology: Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris. The prize money, initially set at SEK 3 million, is raised to SEK 4 million 2024 and is awarded annually. Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris is designed to increase interest in the Baltic Sea and inspire commitment to and continuation of existing efforts to ensure a healthier Baltic Sea.
Prize winners
Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris will recognise researchers or other individuals who have made valuable contributions to improving the Baltic Sea environment in a broad sense. This may involve independent research findings or projects conducted over a longer period. Consideration will also be given to initiatives to translate research into policy or communicate findings to the wider public. The prize can be awarded for both ongoing and completed work. Activities other than traditional academic research may also be recognised, e.g., individuals that are or have been instrumental in improving the Baltic Sea environment in various ways.
Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris 2024 is awarded to Professor Ragnar Elmgren. Read more about the recipient here.
Prize money
Ninety per cent of the SEK 4 million prize sum is to be used for continued research, with the remaining 10 per cent being awarded to the prize winner personally. In the event that two individuals at a institution/organisation are awarded the prize, 10 per cent of the prize money will be awarded to each prize winner with the remaining 80 per cent awarded to the research activity (or 40 per cent if split between two separate research activities).
The prize money is to be used by the institution or research activity that benefits the Baltic Sea environment, i.e., within the sphere of work that has been recognised.
Nomination committee
The nomination committee operates independently of the Foundation, thereby safeguarding its longevity, transparency, and independence. Four members are appointed based on a proposal from Stockholm University, with the fifth member appointed by the Foundation’s board. Members of the nomination committee must work in relevant fields at universities and other institutions in Sweden and other countries bordering the Baltic Sea. Committee members are elected for a term of four years and are eligible for re-election for an additional 4-year period.
The nomination committee is tasked with independently identifying potential nominees, but also accepts proposals from the public. The nomination process is free of charge. Institutions as well as individuals can nominate candidates.
The nomination committee submits three nominees for the Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris to the Foundation’s board, which is responsible for selecting the prize winner. Nominations are confidential and nominees who are not selected as prize winners may be nominated again in subsequent years.